Your Strategic Community Partner

The Waxahachie Chamber of Commerce is well-positioned to make a positive and lasting impact on Waxahachie, Ellis County and the DFW Metroplex.

The Three Pillars of our Strategic Plan are Communication, Member Development and Advocacy


Communicate what we do and why we do it.

Coordinate our communication efforts to illustrate why the Chamber is doing what it’s doing and why it is important to members and potential members. Communicating our purpose and strategic focus to businesses, community members, and elected officials fosters the engagement necessary to collectively better our community.


Focus on needs of Members & Potential Members

We identify needs and develop programs, services, and initiatives that are designed to support local businesses and promote economic growth and prosperity in the region. We will prioritize our available resources to support the needs of our current members as well as communicate those benefits to potential members.

Nurture and Develop New Leaders

Developing and creating an environment for new leaders to grow and contribute to the future of Waxahachie and Ellis County is critically important for tomorrow. The Chamber is dedicated to fostering and developing avenues for leadership development and effective participation in the future of our community.


Workforce Development

Collaborate with local businesses and education partners to identify the skills, knowledge and abilities needed to fill the current and future workforce needs of Waxahachie as well as develop or promote the educational opportunities required to fill these needs.

Promote Education

Through the Chamber’s leadership, staff and its members, we support the improvement and development of our education organizations. We will continue to foster strong relationships between educational institutions, businesses, and community leaders to strengthen our workforce, ensuring continued prosperity and a strong quality of life for the community of businesses and people.

Advocate for Pro-Business Legislation and Policy

The collective voice of members ensures the Chamber has influence and is able to advocate for beneficial initiatives and healthy policies for businesses as well as promote a superior quality of life for the community.

Advocate for Infrastructure and Development

We recognize that a thriving business environment requires a strong, and well-planned infrastructure that encourages healthy growth and development. The collective voice of members ensures the Chamber influences future development plans that will best serve the community.

2024 Chamber Accomplishments

Communicate what we do and why we do it. 

Coordinate our communication efforts to illustrate why the Chamber is doing what it’s doing and why it is important to members and potential members. Communicating our purpose and strategic focus to businesses, community members, and elected officials fosters the engagement necessary to collectively better our community.

  • Morning Brew to communicate to the community and chambers around the following area:
    • City, Education, County
  • Took the survey results from 2023 and, based on those results, we provided education specific to the topics our businesses requested which include:
    • Marketing, Human Resources, Community Updates
  • Met with Mortenson employees in Itasca to share about the Chamber and why Waxahachie is a great place to work and do business.
  • Monthly upcoming events email
  • Monthly e-newsletter – redesigned and implemented in August 
    • Sent out to over 525 contacts 
  • Chamber Facebook and Instagram
    • Facebook:
        • Reach of 320.4K 
    • Instagram:
        • 4,006 Followers to date 
  • Website Events Calendar – 206,363+ views for the year 
  • Website Directory – 181,498+ views for the year
  • Weekly Radio with members 
  • Facebook Lives with Members
  • Chamber Corner Member Spotlights in The Waxahachie Sun
  • Individual Meetings with members
    • To address their specific needs
    • To connect them with other businesses
    • To advocate

Member Development

Focus on needs of Members & Potential Members

We identify needs and develop programs, services, and initiatives that are designed to support local businesses and promote economic growth and prosperity in the region. We will prioritize our available resources to support the needs of our current members as well as communicate those benefits to potential members.

  • Start of Non -Profit Education/Resource Group
    • Survey to non-profits to find their highest needs
    • Provided 2 educations this year, in response to their education needs.
  • Kicked off The Bridge Program with mentors/mentees
    • Hosted initial meet and greet
    • Provided ongoing monthly topics of discussion/goals
    • Provided education on mentorship through Mentor’s Care, Dena Petty, as speaker
  • Collaborated with 1558 Brand Agency to provide marketing education to small businesses, per the feedback of the 2023 end of year survey
  • Facebook  Lives reminding members and potential members of benefits available.
  • Response to survey and what their needs are, specific to their businesses.
  • 10 Monthly 1st Thursday Networking Events
  • Quarterly (4) Coffee Connections Networking Events
  • Annual Chamber Excellence Awards Banquet
  • Annual Gingerbread Classic Golf Tournament
    • Doubled in size, hosting 2 tournaments
  • Annual Sporting Clay Tournament
    • Grew to 2 tournaments (morning and afternoon flights)
  • Georgia-Pacific Education Series – Five educational events for members. Topics included: Client Avatars, Marketing & Performance Measures, AI, Attraction Marketing, Enhancing your Online Presence
  • Two day headshot clinic offered at Chamber
  • Waxahachie Young Professionals – monthly Coffee & Connect Networking events
  • Waxahachie Young Professionals – quarterly educational EnlightED events (Real Estate, Finance, Health, Marketing)
  • 40+ Ribbon Cuttings
  • Green Coat Ambassador Program – 11 Ambassadors reaching out to new members quarterly regarding their membership, and supporting at ribbon cuttings and special events
  • Provided space for Members to have meetings with their staff and clients in Conference Room and Boardroom
  • Provided fundraiser opportunity for all the community to participate in the trip to France

Nurture and Develop New Leaders

Developing and creating an environment for new leaders to grow and contribute to the future of Waxahachie and Ellis County is critically important for tomorrow. The Chamber is dedicated to fostering and developing avenues for leadership development and effective participation in the future of our community.

  • Leadership Ellis County
    • Program of 20 attendees, annually, who attend a 10 month program with various leadership topics throughout the year.
    • Work with Ennis and Red Oak Chambers to meet the Leadership Development needs throughout the community by working with business leaders who speak on topics related to education, leadership and business development.
  • Young Professionals (YP)
    • Facilitate Bridge Mentor Program where young professionals are paired with more “seasoned” business leaders in the community for a mentor/mentee relationship.
    • The Young Professional Program holds monthly meetings, networking opportunities 

Workforce Development

Collaborate with local businesses and education partners to identify the skills, knowledge and abilities needed to fill the current and future workforce needs of Waxahachie as well as develop or promote the educational opportunities required to fill these needs.

  • Participated in Summer Teacher Externship 2024 with Workforce Solutions NCT. Hosted a teacher from Red Oak High School for professional development opportunity that connects industry knowledge and skills to the classroom. Also shared this opportunity with Members.
  • Collaborated with City of Waxahachie to promote M/WBE & Local Business workshops to learn how to do business with Cedar Hill, Duncanville, Lancaster, Red Oak, Ennis & Waxahachie, and get information about upcoming procurement opportunities.
  • Collaborated with Georgia-Pacific to share the Economic Education Institute for High School Teachers, a summer institute for teachers to learn about a variety of economic concepts, gain a greater understanding of how the U.S. economy works, and the important role entrepreneurs play in a free enterprise system.
  • Board Seat on Workforce Board through North Central Texas Council of Governments
  • Seat on Workforce Board Strategy Committee

Promote Education

Through the Chamber’s leadership, staff and its members, we support the improvement and development of our education organizations. We will continue to foster strong relationships between educational institutions, businesses, and community leaders to strengthen our workforce, ensuring continued prosperity and a strong quality of life for the community of businesses and people.

  • Work with floral department at Waxahachie High School to provide centerpieces for banquet
  • Coordinating Morning Brew with WISD, Faith Family, Nelson University and Navarro College to have the first Morning Brew, featuring education, in January 2025.
  • Foundation Board for Faith Family Academy
  • Foundation Board for Navarro College
  • Collaborate with WISD and act as a liaison with outside entities.
  • Act as a liaison for Nelson University and any outside entities, as needed.
  • Continue to work with NavarroCollege and Baylor Scott & White Waxahachie on future endeavors.

Advocate for Pro-Business Legislation and Policy

The collective voice of members ensures the Chamber has influence and is able to advocate for beneficial initiatives and healthy policies for businesses as well as promote a superior quality of life for the community.

  • Engaged with city government in areas of economic development, community development and business development in areas such as:
    • One on one meetings, WCDC meetings, meetings with city staff
  • Collaborating with Leadership Southwest to coordinate a trip to Austin next March.  In doing so, various officials throughout Ellis County and beyond are involved in planning,

Advocate for Infrastructure and Development

We recognize that a thriving business environment requires a strong, and well-planned infrastructure that encourages healthy growth and development. The collective voice of members ensures the Chamber influences future development plans that will best serve the community.

  • Engaged with county officials, NCTCOG Officials, TXDot officials, Chamber Members concerning a variety of initiatives including roadways, signal lights
    • Served as liaison for these entities
  • Engaged with WISD concerning all the issues of building schools
    • Bond Oversight Committee
    • Naming Committee
    • Facilitator of meetings between WISD and TXDot & City